The industry standard for lumber and woodworking, this electrode allows you to determine moisture gradients. The contact pins that come with the 26-ES have insulated shanks so that only the tips are exposed. The pins make contact with the wood fiber only at their uncoated tips and provide much more accurate readings of moisture content at various levels of penetration. Knowing that the board is not uniform, you can use the pins to determine the drying pattern.
对于木质地板的装修技师、家具制造技师以及高级木匠,26-ES都是你们的理想选择。26-ES 可以单独购买,或根据型号的不同包含在四种木材水分计的包装之中。
Uses the same contact pins that are mounted on each meter. This electrode is great to use in hard to reach places. Ideal for the home inspector and pest control operator.