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变压器用压力释放阀执行行业标准 JB/T7065-2015
一, 如何选用压力释放阀?how to Selected pressure release valve ? a 、喷油口径的选用 Selection of Spray oil -caliber : 油箱内油量(Oil mass of oil box): < 1.5T 1.5T~4.5T 4.5T ~11.5T 11.5T ~ 23T 阀口径(Effective -caliber of valve): ∮25 ∮50 ∮80 ∮130 如果油量过 23T 可按下式:If the oil can be pressed more than 23T Selection ∮130 口径压力释放阀的数量 = 油量重量 T / 23T ∮130 caliber pressure release valve number = total weight of oil T / 23T b 、压力释放阀开启压力的 Pressure release valve opening pressure of the choice: 开启压力等级的决定于关闭压力的大小,关闭压力 PG 按下式计算: The choice of opening pressure level determined by the size of the pressure off, close the pressure of PG determined by the formula: PG = PH + PK + PQ 其中 Among them :
PH = 压力释放阀承受静压值 Pressure release valve to withstand static pressure values ( V×H ) KPa V 是指变压器油柱压 Refers to the transformer oil column pressure 8.9 KPa / m H 是指高油面至阀座底面的距离 Refers to the maximum of oil to the distance from the bottom seat(m) PK 是附加的裕度压力,一般取 Is an additional margin of safety, the general public to take 5 ~ 7 KPa PQ 是附加的强油、风冷裕度压力,一般取 There is an additional strong oil, air-cooled margin, the general public to take 5 ~ 7 KPa 求得关闭压力 PG 后 , 通过下表(基本参数)可知道开启压力值。 PG obtained after the closure of the pressure, by the following table (basic technical parameters) can be aware of the value of opening pressure
开启压力 Opening pressure (KPa):55
口径 Effective aperture (mm):50